CONTACT US art gallery HOME

Established in 1996, James Yarosh Associates Fine Art Gallery
is located in the second floor loft space of the former 1917 firehouse
at 45 E. Main Street (Rt.520) in Historic Holmdel Village, NJ 07733
Entrance on the inside corner of building & additional parking lots in the rear.

Open Saturday 12-4pm. Weekday & evenings hours scheduled by appointment
732 993 5278 or 732 993 5ART

james yarosh
The Great Walk to Beigin 2008 - A million steps in the fight against cancer

James, we survived and thrived on the Great Walk

Hi James
Olivia with Ian Thorpe and Sir Cliff RichardThere have only been few times in my life when I've experienced such conflicting emotions - joy and elation at having completed the Great Walk to Beijing, and also a great sadness now that we have reached the finish line.
We overcame every challenge the Great Wall threw at us: 228 kilometres in extreme weather, treacherous terrain, physical pain and stress as our tired and aching limbs screamed out STOP!
I will never forget the feelings of great accomplishment the weary Walkers shared at the end of each day. We pushed ourselves individually and as a team with every step. We did it for you and all of the wonderful supporters who followed the Great Walk on our website. We love you all because you were there behind us.  Click here for photos from the finishing line.
We've reached the Beijing finish line, but the journey continues...
Cancer Thrivers Scott
 Morrison and Gordon ChanThe fundraising target has to be reached! We've now raised more than $1.8 million towards our target of $5 million.  I'm determined we will reach this target to help build the Centre with wellness, research and patient care all under one roof.  Through research and awareness we will change the way the world treats cancer - this will help all people who experience cancer, either personally or because of a loved one.
Click here to read more about the Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Centre.
All Saints star Tammi MacIntoshOn the Great Walk I met so many wonderful people. Many Walkers had experienced the heartbreak of losing someone to cancer. Like Hiu from China, who told us there is low public awareness about how to detect cancer in the early stages, causing breast cancer to kill 49% of Chinese women sufferers. She lost two of her beloved Grandfathers to cancer and said"You never know what life can give you until you stare that loss straight in the face." I was deeply moved when she went on to say"Miracles happen everyday and Olivia in her gentle determined and holistic way brought a love in the air in China and the world, that spring is only beginning to sprout ".
Click here to read Hiu's story.
This challenge to raise funds for cancer treatment has reached people in China, Australia, America, Canada, the UK, Europe, Asia, and right round the World. Public awareness is critical to help and support people everywhere in their journey with cancer. 
The huge group on the Great WallYour generosity can help us reach our target.  Please click here to donate.
And you can still leave a"Message of Support" when you make your donation.  You can dedicate your donation to someone you love or to the Walkers, together we will keep the spirit of the Great Walk to Beijing alive. 
Don't forget to tell all your friends by sending this email onto everyone you know. 
I'm so looking forward to a long soak in the tub! And next time I write I'll share more of the highlights of the finish line, the event load-out and so many incredible memories with you.  
Love and light  
PS: Thank you for sharing our journey so far.  Please keep visiting to see the latest news and footage from the wall, and importantly, continue to show support and make your donation today.
Contact Us:
Locked Bag 25, Heidelberg Victoria, Australia 3084
Enquiries: +61 (3) 9496 5753

About James Yarosh
Gallery of Artists
The Making of an
Art Gallery
Fine Art Design
Interior Design Specification
for Art Collectors
Fine art to the trade
Fine Art to the Trade
Fine Art for the Collector
Collection of
Handcrafted Frames
Windows at Garmany
ONJCWC Charity
Bayonet Farm
Fine Art since 1996
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45 East Main Street, Holmdel, NJ 07733
Sat. 12pm - 4pm weekend & evening by appointment • 732 993 5278 or 732 993 5ART
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